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Community Amenities

  • Communal Area
  • High-Speed Internet Access
  • On-site Laundry Facilities
  • Games Room or Recreation Area
  • 24/7 Security Surveillance
  • Air Conditioning
  • Intercom
  • Secure Parking
  • Storage Cage

Apartment Amenities

  • 01st Floor
  • 02nd Floor
  • 03rd Floor
  • 04th Floor
  • 05th Floor
  • Ground Floor
  • Extra Bathroom
  • Furnished
  • Unfurnished
  • Street View
  • Lower Ground Floor
  • North Orientation
  • North East Orientation
  • South Orientation
  • North / South Orientation
  • North West Orientation
  • South West Orientation
  • West Orientation
  • West South Orientation
  • Study Room
  • Multipurpose Room
  • Internal View
  • Parking Spot Included

Pet Policy

Pet Policy NSW   

Residents are welcome to have pets on their property, but we kindly ask that they seek permission not less than 14 days before acquiring the pet(s).  

Applications should include full details of the pets.  

Each apartment is limited to a maximum of two pets. An occupier of a lot may keep one small cat or dog only, provided the weight does not exceed 12 kg.  

Written notice must be given to the landlord before keeping the pet. 

If an occupier keeps a cat, or dog, they must: 

  • Keep the animal within the apartment. 

  • Hold the animal when you're on shared or communal property. 

  • Take necessary action to clean all areas of the lot or common property soiled by the animal.  

There is a three-month probationary period, during which no complaints by other residents should be received. 

Cat litter must be bagged and disposed of directly into the bins in the garbage room, not in the garbage chutes. Under no circumstances should cat litter be disposed of in the toilet. 

Noise and Nuisance: 

All tenants are responsible for not causing or permitting a nuisance and not interfering with the peace, comfort, and privacy of neighbours. 

Pets making excessive noise may breach the tenancy agreement, depending on the circumstances, including frequency and time of day. 

Other forms of nuisance, such as chasing neighbours or breaking into their yard, can also be considered a breach of the agreement. Ensuring your home is suitable for your pet, including reporting any necessary repairs to fences or gates, can help avoid these issues. 


The tenant agrees to have the carpet professionally cleaned or to pay the cost of having the carpet professionally cleaned at the end of the tenancy if cleaning is required because an animal has been kept on the residential premises during the tenancy.